The sole distributor of Mitsubishi Motors, Nigeria reached out to us to create a unique gift pack to serve as a memorabilia in appreciation to high end customers for their continuous loyalty to the automobile brand.

We came up with exclusive gift items that are exciting, surprising and emotionally rewarding. Based on the research and after some digital sketches of different gift products, the awesome creative team tapped inspiration from some of the components of the brand’s products by designing a unique tyre mug and also coming up with a powerbank in the shape of a tyre to effectively communicate the brand’s message.
A stylish stick shift pen was also designed so as to elevate the customer experience by instilling the brand’s purpose and promise of optimally offering premium value and superior service to their customers for their automotive challenges. Behold, the beauty! 🙂

A successfully designed book cover will whisper hints of fascinating contents without giving it all away, and will excite anyone who come in contact with it into actually opening up the diary and perhaps record their personal musings, or business meetings.

Then, we believed, putting in an extra spice of class by designing a diary cover crafted out of 100% Felted Wool fabric, and displaying a laser cut effect of the brand’s logo, will definitely give the customers an intimate experience when telling their stories.

And beautiful video brochures were also custom designed to announce to the existing and prospective customers of their next product release in the coming years.